مشروع الاستجابة الطارئة للنازحين في مديرية باجل والمراوعة
مؤسسة بنات الحديدة التنموية الاجتماعية
كانــت ولا زالـت متميــزة بعطــاءهــا الــدائـــم مــن خــــلال مشـاريعهـــا الرائـعـــة
مشروع الاستجابة الطارئة للنازحين في مديرية باجل والمراوعة يونيو -سبتمبر 2018 الممول من قبل منظمة اليونسف الذي كانت نتائجة مثمرة كالتالي :

تأهيلها 100حمام في المديريات المستهدفة .

SDHGF was and still distinguished by its constant giving through its wonderful projects.
The emergency response project for the displaced in Bajel and Al-Marawahah districts, June-September 2018, funded by UNICEF, which had fruitful results as follows:
- The total number of water beneficiaries at the beginning of the project is 12,390 people.
- Three cleaning campaigns were carried out, benefiting 1,694 displaced families and 2,029 host communities.
- 2750 shared bags were distributed in Bajel
- 250Shared bags were distributed in Al-Hujailah
- Rehabilitation of 100 bathrooms in the targeted districts.
- Three cleaning campaigns were carried out, benefiting 1,694 displaced families and 2,029 host communities.
- 100 volunteers were trained in the Communication for Development Program
- Providing primary health services to the displaced for a period of 3 months, to 10,539 people.