Willingness is a woman
Willingness is a woman
في مضمار الحياة تثبت لنـا الايـام ان هنـالك نسـاء نعجـز ان نصـف قدرتهـم الخـارقـة على الاستمرار للعيش في هذه الحياة رغم كل الظروف..
س.ع امـرأة حتى مصطـلـح المرأة الخارقـة قليــل فـي حقهــا لمــا واجهتـه من مصـاعب ومحن وابتــلاءات وتخـطتهـا بكل قـوة لأن إرادتها للعيش هي واطفالها كانت الاقـوى .
تقول س .ع “ابلغ من العمر ثلاثون عاما وزوجي ٥٧ ولدينــا مـن الاطفـال ثـلاثـة اطفـال ولدان وفتاة كنا نسكن مديرية حرض وتعرضنا للقصف وتدمـر منزلنـا واستطعنـا الهـروب بأعجــوبـة الى مدينـة الحديدة ، تأخذ س.م تنهيـدة تـخــرج من اعمــــاق القــلـب وتكمـل
“بعد فترة قصيرة عاد زوجي لحرض لتفقد احوال محله الذي كان يتاجـر به بالجملة وأثنـاء ذلك الوقت تعرض المحل للقصف واختبئ زوجي بعد اصابته بشظايا في احدى المناطق “
“غاب زوجي لمدة عشرة ايام ظننت انه توفى وفاجأني بعودته ذات يوم وهو بحالة شبه معدومة فنظر الي نظرة اليائس من كل شيء فواسيته بعبارة “في المال ولا في العيال”
تكمل س.ع ” لم يكن لدينا حينها مكان نسكن فيه فأضطريت ان اسكن في منزل اهلي الذي بالكاد يكفيهم وكان زوجي ينام في الشارع حينها “
وبصوت كله أمل وإرادة..
“لم استسلم سجلت في كل المنظمات لطلب العون ..وسجلت ايضا في مؤسسات لكن دون جدوى “
” الى ان جاءني اتصال من مؤسسة بنات الحديدة لتقديم الدعم لي وفعلا قدموا الدعم لي بالإضافة الى انهم ادخلوني في دورة خياطة وفـزت حينهـا بالمركـز الثاني وليس هـذا و حســب انمـــا كــافـئــــونــي بـمـكـيـنـــة خيـــاطــــة”
“بكيـت يومـهــا من شــدة الفــرح وادركت جيدا ان الله لا يخذل احدا وها انا ذا اقتــات من هــذه المكينــة واســاعـــد زوجــي في مصاريف اولادي .
تبتسم س.ع “مؤسسـة بنــات الحــديـدة كانــت كطـوق نجـــاة لي ولازلـت حتى اللحظــة عنـدمـا تغلق علي جميع الابــواب يفتــح الله لـي بابهــم.
In the field of life, days prove to us that there are women whose extraordinary ability to continue to live in this life despite all circumstances.
S.A. is a woman, even the term “superwoman” is not enough for her due to the hardships and tribulations she faced, and she overcame them with all strength, because her will to live with her children was the strongest.
S.A. says, “I am thirty years old, my husband is 57, and we have three children, two boys and a girl. We used to live in Haradh district, and we were bombed and our house was destroyed, we miraculously managed to escape to the city of Hodeidah.
S.M takes a sigh that comes from the depths of the heart and continued her speech saying, “After a short period of time, my husband returned to Haradh to check the conditions of his shop, which he used to trade in wholesale. During that time, the shop was bombed, and my husband hid after being hit by shrapnel in one of the areas.”
“My husband was away for ten days. I thought he had passed away. He surprised me when he returned one day in a miserable condition. He looked at me with a look of despair, I consoled him with the words, “losing money in better than losing children.”.
S.A. continues, “We did not have a place to live at that time, so I had to live in my family’s house, which was barely enough for them, and my husband was sleeping on the street at the time.”
With a voice full of hope and will S.A said :” I did not give up, I registered with all organizations to ask for help, but to no avail , until a call I have received a call from SDHGF to provide me with support, and they actually supported me, in addition to that they entered me in a sewing course, and I won at that time the second place, and not only that, but they rewarded me a sewing machine.”
She added: “I cried that day because of joy, and I realized very well that God does not let anyone down, and here I am, living from this machine, and helping my husband with the expenses of my children.
S.A. smiles, “SDHGF was and still until this moment like a lifeline for me. When all the doors are closed to me, God opens His doors for me.
